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Stop Smoking
by Mike J Andrews If you have tried to stop smoking before and failed, don?t lose heart, there is a simple technique you can employ to help you ? meditation. Zen Buddhists have known the power of meditation for thousands of years. It is easy to learn and can really help you in your efforts to free yourself from the dreaded weed. Smoking Cessation: Gradual Withdrawal Vs Cold Turkey
by Maureen Hamilton
There are many strategies that you can use to help with smoking cessation, but two of the most prominent ways of kicking the tobacco habit are quitting cold turkey and quitting by way of gradual withdrawal. Both can be successful but both can also fail. Let?s take a look at the pros and cons of both methods to help you discern which one would potentially work best for you if you have decided that you want to quit smoking.
Are You Infertile Because You?re Smoking?
by Maureen Hamilton
Infertility is not an issue that only women worry about; men can also contribute to a couple?s inability to conceive a baby. Many people, smokers and non-smokers alike, do not realize that smoking cigarettes impairs fertility in both men and women. If you are a smoker and are interested in having children than pay attention ? your habit may be hindering your ability to experience the joys of parenting. Let?s take a look at some of the ways that smoking impacts the fertility of both men and women; smoking damages the reproductive capabilities of each sex in a different way.
How Does Smoking Affect Your Sleep?
by Maureen Hamilton
There are many things that can disturb our sleep patterns, from sleep apnea to stress. Chronic sleep loss can cause many issues such as weight gain, a weakened immune system, depression, and chronic fatigue. Many people don?t realize how fragile our ability to sleep really is; it can be easily disturbed by anything. This includes cigarettes. In fact, smoking is a major disruptor of your sleeping habits. Let?s take a close look at how smoking cigarettes hinders your ability to get a good night?s sleep.
Stop Being a Baby and Quit Smoking Now
by Louis Gordon
Quitting smoking may not be easy and might be a stressful time, BUT for only 7 to 10 days. That is a very short time to cry and scream when compared to the rest of your life. Nothing of true value comes without effort. Quitting smoking will allow you to be free from nicotine addiction.
Smoking and Bone Health
by Maureen Hamilton
Most people associate the harms of smoking with lung damage and cancer, but the tobacco habit?s negative effects on your health go much deeper-did you know that smoking can also damage your bones? The bones are rigid organs that protect the rest of your body, provide your body with structure, and allow movement. Damaging your bones means damaging our ability to move and take part in activities. Let?s take a look at some of the ways smoking harms your bones in order to keep you alert to the harsh reality of how dangerous the tobacco habit really is.
The Truth About Secondhand Smoke
by Maureen Hamilton
If you are a regular smoker and are hesitant to quit then consider this: You habit is not only harming your body, it is also harming the bodies of those around you-especially the people you love most like family and friends. Smokers harm those in the surrounding environment via secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is the smoke that is exhaled after each puff on a cigarette and it contains over 4,000 toxins and cancer causing compounds. It can be fatal to both the smoker and the innocent bystander.
Why Would You Want to Stop Smoking and Beat Nicotine Addiction?
by Cameron D S Kellett
If you want to stop smoking, or are considering a stop smoking campaign, one of the first things you need to be sure of is why you want to stop smoking and beat nicotine addiction. I lived 20 years of my life a smoker, now I am an ex smoker and am living a much better life, nicotine free!
Smoking and Employment Opportunities
by Ian Newton
Fifty years ago most people in an office or workplace smoked. It was the norm, it was also understood that the smokers needed to have breaks to top up their nicotine. The bosses, supervisors were most likely smokers so there wasn?t a problem. Today it is a very different story.
A Natural Method To Stop Smoking
by James W Ashley
Nicotine is an extremely powerful drug and can be one of the hardest addictions to beat. Smoking on a daily basis has so many damaging effects on our body and can even result in death. The decision to try and quit can be a daunting thought.
Why Hasn?t the Government Banned Cigarettes?
by Maureen Hamilton
The fact that smoking is deadly is no secret. It has become such widespread knowledge that it is now a platitude repeated over and over again in schools, at the doctor?s office, and even on TV. Yet as self-evident as the dangers of smoking are, cigarettes are still as easy to get as a bottle of water. So the nagging question remains: why don?t government simply ban recreational tobacco use? It seems like a simple question, but the answer is conversely complex. Let?s take a look at some of the reasons governments turn a blind eye to the possibility of banning cigarettes in order to better understand the polemics surrounding the tobacco debate.
Quitting Smoking ? The Adrenalin Rush Doesn?t Last Forever
by Ian Newton
When a smoker lights up they get a rush of nicotine to the brain which causes a release of dopamine which gives the smoker a brief period of feeling good. The other hormone which is secreted is adrenaline. This chemical tends to give a feeling of a boost of energy. The problem is the adrenalin rush has a time limit.
Do You Think That You Can?t Do Anything Without A Cigarette?
by Ian Newton
Many smokers would not agree that they could do anything without a cigarette. In fact many can?t imagine going for more than a couple of hours without nicotine, let alone managing a crisis without a smoke to calm them down. A question I frequently ask smokers is what do they think non smokers do when they are stressed, bored etc.
How Sick Does A Smoker Have To Be Before They Quit?
by Ian Newton
Some people quit smoking when they start to feel a shortness in their breath, some quit when they have children even if they don?t feel any effects, some quit just because the taxes are increased and some hang on until their bodies are literally falling apart. Why does this happen?
How Hypnosis Works To Help You Quit Smoking
by Ian Newton
There are many misconceptions about hypnosis. It is understandable because most peoples only experience with hypnosis is from entertainment shows and television. If you think of your brain as having two major storage compartments. The conscious and the unconscious minds.
Effects Of Quitting Smoking ? Why Your Lungs Will Worse Before They Feel Better
by Ian Newton
When most people quit smoking they expect to feel better and to continue breathing easier with more energy, but there is a simple reason why you may feel worse for a while, but rest assured that you will get past it. Just don?t use this brief period in your life as an excuse to start again.
Breaking Up With Cigarettes Is Hard To Do ? 4 Strategies You Can Use
by Ian Newton
Just like the old song says, breaking up is hard to do, so too ending the relationship with smoking can be fraught with difficulty, pain, sorrow loss etc, even breaking up when things have been bad brings up sadness and regret. Some people stay in even the most abusive destructive relationships because of their own inner turmoil. Smoking is another relationship which eventually has to be torn apart. As you end your relationship with smoking you will need some clear strategies.
The Effects of Smoking on Your Digestive System
by Nigel A Martin
No part of our body is spared the damage that smoking can cause, and the digestive system in no different. Yes, while smoking does lead to a variety of problems relating to the heart and the lungs, the digestive system faces its fury as well.
How To Quit Smoking ? 10 Tips For Mental Health Breathing Breaks
by Ian Newton
Every smoker is familiar with those special times of the day when they just take a few minutes to unwind and relax and have a cigarette. During the working day, at lunch or in the evening with a drink. So why should only smokers get these special moments!
No More Pipe Dreams: The Quest For The Perfect Way To Quit Smoking
by Trevor Emdon
Just imagine ? a perfect way to stop smoking that left you no pangs or cravings and worked almost instantly and every time. Could such a thing exist? Read ? and see for yourself?
Why Nicotine Is So Addictive
by Tim Frymyer
Ever wonder why people smoke? Seriously, why do they come back for more? The smoke smells bad and the one time I tried smoking, it tasted horrible. So what is it then? We discuss it here.
How To Quit Smoking ? Do You Need Long Term Nicotine Replacement?
by Ian Newton
There is an academic school of thought that smokers need to use nicotine gum or patches for life otherwise they will just revert to smoking. I have to say that this is not the case in my clinical experience. The point of quitting smoking is to not just stop sucking in poisonous smoke into your body but to stop ingesting nicotine. The toxicity of which is so great that just a pinhead of pure nicotine injected into your bloodstream would kill you quickly.
4 Tips To Avoid Getting Grumpy And Angry When You Quit Smoking
by Ian Newton
One of the biggest problems associated with quitting smoking is that many people become grumpy or just plain angry. They blame quitting on making them this way and is often used as an excuse for taking up the deadly habit again. The question is how can you avoid this problem?
How To Quit Smoking ? Discover The Hidden Reason Why You Smoke
by Ian Newton
On the surface it seems perfectly obvious why people smoke, but in my clinical experience I have found this to be anything but obvious. The reasons are often complex and this needs to be understood in order to quit successfully. Recently I saw a client for hypnosis to stop smoking.
How Nicotine Dangers Your Health
by Barbara Mascareno
Learn the reasons nicotine and its chemical derivatives are toxic to human health. Find out how the process of nicotine and second hand smoke affect health in children and adults.
So You Have Smoked for Years ? Why Quit Cold Turkey Now?
by Tony Towers
Many will say they have smoked for years so what is the point in quitting now? If you quit smoking now, you will in fact add years to your life, breathe more easily and have more energy. You?ll have extra money for spending or saving, and food will definitely taste better.
Stop Smoking ? How to Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
by James W Ashley
Deciding to stop smoking can a daunting decision. Hundreds of people try everyday and unfortunately many of these people fail. Whether it be with the help of nicotine patches, quit smoking groups or even just going cold turkey.
Most Smokers Start Out With A Loose Wagon Of Chips
by Humbler Acts
We are going to start this article pretty much the way most smokers start out. They certainly don?t want to do themselves dirty. They are for the most part good folks. They come from all backgrounds. There?s nothing in common that they share with fellow smokers?except their loose wagons.
Hypnosis Techniques in a Quit Smoking Session
by Nigel Brennan
One of my favourite sessions is a quit smoking hypnosis session, because it is fast, easy and gives the client excellent value for money. Here I will outline some of the techniques and methods I use which have given me great success with smokers.
The Truth About Nicotine Replacement Therapies
by Maureen Hamilton
A recent study conducted by the Harvard University School of Public Health and the University of Massachusetts Boston confirmed what many people fighting on the front lines of the smoking cessation battle already knew or suspected: Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), such as gum or the patch, are not an effective way to help people quit smoking. Nearly 1/3 of NRT users relapsed regardless of whether or not they were heavy or light smokers.
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